How to Champion Overcoming Your Inner Critic

Featured Speaker: Heather Whiting

About Heather Whiting

It took her 25 years , but  Heather finally  realized what was keeping her in abusive relationships, overweight , depressed and not knowing her true purpose. At the age of 9 Heather's entire world flipped on its top. After finding out she was adopted, Heather started her story. This story would weigh her down for nearly two decades  and during this time Heather developed  a main character, her inner mean girl. Unworthiness, unlovable, unwanted, not enough, are all the stories Heather kept telling herself since she found out she was given up. But in actuality, non of these were true, they were just lies and defenses we all use to help ourselves not feel pain and not process our emotions. Through the journey of being a teen mom and homeless at 17, who was just trying to survive,  to now a  Mindset Coach, who has learned to silence her inner mean girl,  Heather is on a mission to create impact one person at a time, by helping them rewrite their story, rewire their mindset, kick their inner critic to the curb and step into the personal and financial freedoms each person desires.

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Heather's Offering

About Heather Whiting

It took her 25 years , but  Heather finally  realized what was keeping her in abusive relationships, overweight , depressed and not knowing her true purpose. At the age of 9 Heather's entire world flipped on its top. After finding out she was adopted, Heather started her story. This story would weigh her down for nearly two decades  and during this time Heather developed  a main character, her inner mean girl. Unworthiness, unlovable, unwanted, not enough, are all the stories Heather kept telling herself since she found out she was given up. But in actuality, non of these were true, they were just lies and defenses we all use to help ourselves not feel pain and not process our emotions. Through the journey of being a teen mom and homeless at 17, who was just trying to survive,  to now a  Mindset Coach, who has learned to silence her inner mean girl,  Heather is on a mission to create impact one person at a time, by helping them rewrite their story, rewire their mindset, kick their inner critic to the curb and step into the personal and financial freedoms each person desires.    
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